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Highlight for Album: Cruisin' The Coast 2013
Cruisin' The Coast 2013
Cruisin' The Coast - October 4 - 13, 2013

Last changed on 10/18/2013. This album contains 718 items.
This album has been viewed 9590 times since 10/08/2013.
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Highlight for Album: Becky and Derren's Wedding
Becky and Derren's Wedding
Memories of Becky and Derren's big day! December 15, 2007.

Last changed on 12/19/2007. This album contains 38 items.
This album has been viewed 3045 times since 12/19/2007.
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Highlight for Album: Television Antiquity
Television Antiquity
Pictures of ancient TV equipment that I have scanned from my own collection of literature, as well as other old TV goodies. New images added December 18, 2007.

Last changed on 12/18/2007. This album contains 4 items.
This album has been viewed 810 times since 11/17/2007.
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Highlight for Album: The Living Room Project Finishing
The Living Room Project Finishing
Photos of the nearly-finished product known as our living room

Last changed on 09/23/2007. This album contains 16 items.
This album has been viewed 1180 times since 09/23/2007.
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Highlight for Album: The Living Room Project
The Living Room Project
A photo diary of the renovation of our infamous living room

Last changed on 09/05/2007. This album contains 21 items.
This album has been viewed 1972 times since 09/01/2007.
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Highlight for Album: The Orgasm
The Orgasm
Some pictures of my 1965 Valiant 200 convertible with new interior. New images added October 11, 2007

Last changed on 10/11/2007. This album contains 20 items.
This album has been viewed 3271 times since 10/06/2006.
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Highlight for Album: Massachusetts Trip `07
Massachusetts Trip `07
A photo journal of our trip to Massachusetts, July 28 - August 4th, 2007

Last changed on 08/13/2007. This album contains 35 items.
This album has been viewed 2719 times since 08/10/2007.
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Highlight for Album: Mobicon X
Mobicon X
Images from Mobicon and our party room - May 19, 2007 - Mobile, AL

Last changed on 05/27/2007. This album contains 48 items.
This album has been viewed 4264 times since 05/22/2007.
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Highlight for Album: Dining Room Project Finished
Dining Room Project Finished
Finished pics of the Dining Room Project, begun May 2004. New images added May 8th, 2007.

Last changed on 09/03/2007. This album contains 9 items.
This album has been viewed 1121 times since 04/29/2007.
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Highlight for Album: Christmas 2006
Christmas 2006
Our vacation to New York State and Massachusetts (More images added 3-21-2007)

Last changed on 09/07/2007. This album contains 49 items.
This album has been viewed 3564 times since 01/18/2007.

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